Monday, May 23, 2016

If Police...

1. If police failed to take a highly inebriated Petrit Vasi into protective custody right before he was struck, almost fatally, by a hit-and-run driver...

2. If a deliberately unidentified UMass/UMPD police cadet - a cadet who knew and worked with Maura Murray, and perhaps was a friend of hers - was at the Corolla crash while on duty...

3. If a UMass police officer, accompanied by the cadet, persuaded the responding Hadley officer at the Corolla crash to uncharacteristically allow a drunk Maura Murray to leave the scene un-arrested...

4. If Maura Murray's appearance following the Saturn crash - especially if she had sustained facial injuries from the Corolla crash - was described in terms so vague that no one would recognize her...

5. If police have not, after 12 years, released the ATM video...

6. If police never questioned anyone at the Hadley motel...

7. If police did not call the owner of the Bartlett NH condo...

8. If police never interviewed Maura’s residential security supervisor, with whom both the UMPD cadet and Sgt. Jeffrey Skinner were presumably well acquainted...

9. If police have never revealed that the Saturn was damaged before it left MA...

10. If police disregarded the obvious implication of the vandalism to my backyard...

11. If police – led by Skinner, a former co-worker of Maura’s who subsequently became a UMass police officer – aggressively tried to suppress questions about the Saturn’s possible parking location at UMass... 

12. If police vigorously resisted requests to release any information about the Vasi hit...

13. If police still will not unambiguously state whether there is any connection between the Vasi hit and Maura Murray's subsequent disappearance...

14. If police showed no interest in what BSG had to say...

15. And, oh yeah, if police never showed the slightest interest in the two videos...

Then just maybe LE had a pretty good idea early on who hit Petrit Vasi and why Maura Murray disappeared. But no effort by Amherst PD to find Maura? 


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  2. Would police not be eager to say there is no connection between the Vasi hit and Maura Murray's disappearance?

    How would police feel about all this knowing, as they did, in the days following the Vasi hit-and-run that he might die?

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